When Life Gives You Lemons

Sometimes life throws things at you you're not expecting. For Bass, it threw a kid at him. Now he's stuck raising a daughter he didn't know he had, and battling his conflicting feelings for his best friend, Attison "Atty". Yeah, like likes to chuck things your way. Only time will tell if it's something you can handle.

Until then, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

When Life Gives You Lemons (1.1)

When Life Gives You Lemons Summary: Sometimes life likes to throw things your way and see if you can handle it. Sometimes you can. Other times you...

When Life Gives You Lemons (1.2)

Chapter 2: Incoming, part 2 They’ve told me to start keeping a journal. Said it will help me adjust. Why not? They also told Lonnie to keep one as...