26.10.12 Story, Poem and Inspiration Point of the Week

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26.10.12 Story, Poem and Inspiration Point of the Week

Congrats go to FTSE100 and barboy - and after a long ramble the IP could be lots of fun:




As always, if you use the IP then put a link to it under here so we can see what you do.

And don't hesitate to contact me if you find a piece you really like and want to nominate it for next week or if you have an idea for a good IP.




Help! I don't seem to be able to copy and paste my I.P. story. Rhiannonw showed me once and I could do it but now don't seem to be able.


Thank you once again Rhiannonw, I don;t know what I did but I just had only the first part of the task bar not the name of the story. Thank you once again. Moya