Experiences in the world of "not quite publishing"

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Experiences in the world of "not quite publishing"

I have been approached by a "publisher" whose name I will not mention twice now to have my work featured in their "publication". They have asked if they can feature a poem in a collection and then a large series of poems. This is the kind of publisher who "makes no money" from the publications but who ou have to pay to get a copy of the book containing your work....

I called them today after they sent me (unsolicited) a proof of my poem for proposed publication. The proof suggests to me a rabbit prepared it and I presume one of his big floppy ears got into his little bunny eyes whilst he was doing this tricky job. It was not the best effort.

So I called them (why not) and a helpful man (I expect the rabbits are only used for proof reading) told me that they get their money from people buying the books their work appears in, they make no profit and they will include "almost" everyone's work that is ever submitted to them. They do turn some down (possibly work that involves cooking rabbits since this would frighten their proof readers.

I have thrown their letter in the bin. I then got it out, jumped on it twice and threw it in the bin again.

Are you with me - better surely never to get published than to be exploited in this rather predatory manner...

Out of interest, did they say where they 'sourced' your poem and got enough details to contact you?
Well, I have submitted poetry for competitions elsewhere on two occasions and I am pretty sure this was one of them. Just shows you the consequences of straying from ABC!!


Not Poetry.com or one of their offshoots, was it? http://msgboard.snopes.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=81;t=0... They're well-known scammers. Take a look at Preditors and Editors (http://pred-ed.com), excellent site to help you sort out the wheat from the chaff. Rule of thumb though - if they approach you, avoid them :) http://www.ukauthors.com
Here's my advice. Don't write because you want to be published. Write because you have to. Write because if you don't write it will just keep nagging at you til you do. it's that simple. I've just been reading some of your stuff - including the un-cherrypicked 'You are the last of them'. Why on earth would you pay for someone else to read them - it's a priviledge to read them. We should be thanking you for writing them in the first place. You did the right thing - only take the letter out of the bin and stamp on it a couple of times from me.


new La-vadis Hi! know exactly what you mean,long before came and found out about comp; AbcTales. One! came by post first attempt,do three,keep two. I put some on here, of them,no experience aprt from day centre they do all work homeless free and cd and books,all ages as said before. But this had work out correct amount words,and your own work,three months I heard reply,wanted one,but pay £14.99 each time,send again, I did four times,racket cd expensive,and calendars whatever,course they will print,give money, put into four books with others. My site just set up then. Never leave alone,cos got the address that's it. Other's fall for this place. Not stating where! keep writing! And Anthology someone wins £1,000 have too. Wait about 3 months,then click on and see it,books sent take 3 months or more all in. 'Garry Speed's' private funeral and friends. Friday paper mentions. cavalcaderl julie x
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