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Anonymous's picture
I've returned to home ground AG because I've noticed you very cleverly always manage to make the conversation about me and I think we should hear more about you.
Anonymous's picture
Are you still feeling poorly? ;-)
Anonymous's picture
You're obviously extremely bright and perspicacious but are you honest :)
Anonymous's picture
So it would seem, Jasper...
Anonymous's picture
Ah, I see you anticipated my request.
Anonymous's picture
Perspic....wha...? I admire your ability to spell 'perspicacious' and admire even more the ability to pronounce it. I am a Sadge, Smiley. We are not only an honest bunch, but brutally so, sometimes. I had considered putting another 'personality' up on this forum or writing under a different name (I came up with some brilliant ones!) but I'm not sure I could carry off the deception. What you [read] is what you get, I'm afraid.
Anonymous's picture
Impresses me AG, to be honest it intimidates me to a degree. I don't mind people a lot brighter than me but it makes me nervous until I know them well.
Anonymous's picture
Is that just in real life Smiley? or dose that apply to forum use to.. Just queries..
Anonymous's picture
Ecstacy, there's a Babylon 5 movie on SciFi at 10... Lord Of The Rings in space, rangers and all...
Anonymous's picture
Oh, I know some stuff, sure. But I know enough to know I know nothing at all! I used to use big words and long sentences when I was a kid as a defensive mechanism; as you have inferred, it does work in keeping people away. I'm actually quite shy and reserved in first! Another defensive mechanism. This is a great forum to stretch one's mind, especially when Missi is ranting about various things. The things I know well, I'll argue for. The rest I just watch or make pithy comments about.
Anonymous's picture
Is that Plato? I rember one of them Greek chaps talking to the Oracle at Delphi saying that he knew nothing and the oracle replying that in that case he knew one thing more than anybody else. It's amazing how many people are reserved and a bit shy we've been brainwashed by American teen movies into thinking everyone is brash and over-confident.
Anonymous's picture
I get the feeling that while I am struggling with a single thought you could have 5 seperate conversations and still make me think you were only talking to me (smiles)
Anonymous's picture
"I'm every woman, It's all in me!" *wink wink*


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