Writer's Block

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Writer's Block

I love to write, especially poetry, but i have found it hard to write them down, or even make them make sense! I used to be able to do it easily, should i just stop writing? *laugh* its really frustrating!

Any help appreciated

Yaz x

it is very frustrating isn't it. Someone told me to write anything, even if it's ridiculous, and I find that really helps. Not writing makes it worse for me. I hope your block goes soon xx


I wouldn't get too hung up on writers block. Personally I only write when I am inspired to do so, when I have something to say. Sometimes I can go 12months without anything coming. Then all of a sudden I see, hear or read something and the creative juices start flowing again just as easily as before. So all in all don't worry about it.
Writers block is maybe sometimes a sort of writing fatigue/boredom. Do something completely different. Go to a museum you never went to before cos you thought you wouldn't like it. Get a different bus, train. walk the opposite way when you leave work or home or a friends, howl at the moon, literally. get more sleep, stay up all night, don't eat for a day, dance down the footpath, call a strange number and sing to who ever answers, make a crunchy salad and tip it on your head, drink a cuppa tea from your shoe, kill an innocent cardboard box, kiss a shop window, get someone to tickle you till you almost die laughing, write a crap poem with a pencil then throw the pencil out a window and burn the poem to teach it a lesson. All of this or none of this may be of some help

Burton St John

Thanks for all the time you guys put in to help me- especially you Burton St John; I like your suggestion of the singing down the phone ;), you've really helped :) Love Yaz xxx


I often find that the worst place to be if you are blocked is in front of a PC staring at a blank screen. It is better to relax and do something completely different as Burton St John has indicated. Only come to the PC when you have something to write. On a kind of related note, has anyone heard of Hemingway's hack? I've never tried it, but it seems to make a lot of sense. http://www.secondactive.com/2009/08/boost-your-productivity-with-hemingw...
Try the Inspiration Point on the front page - it changes every Friday! Good luck.
Snap, Tony. I have given her the same advice in one of my comments.


Thanks guyz, I'm kinda playing around with things in my head, hopefully I'll be able to get it down on paper (or technically the internet)soon. You've been really helpful :) Yaz xxxx


Hope you're through it and back at the face again. GLASS WHICH I recently pit on the abctales took me ages to finish and to go through time and time again so at times I put in the bottom draw and left it. Walking away and getting on with another one can work to. GO FOR IT!!! Look forward to seeing your latest piece real soon. Imbaloomba B.S.J

Burton St John

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