Does the ABC tales site count as being published?

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Does the ABC tales site count as being published?


I've been sending my unpublished stories off to a few competitions and publishers and it occured to me that tehcnically my stuff is out there and published. Can I assume that ABC tales doesn't count, as I do like to use it as my testing ground for ideas.


Hi Netty, as far as I remember I don't think it really does count, but perhaps if you've submitted something you ought to take it off abc while it's with them? I might be wrong, but that's my understanding


ok thanks, good idea. It's probably unfounded paranoia, but I would hate to mess up...
You shouldn't do it. If work has been submitted on Abc I feel it has been published and should not be submitted elsewhere without permission. Unless of course you think it’s worthless and then it doesn't matter. This is my personal view and it's not so much legal issues as a matter of ethic. I’m sure you can get more clarity from Abc in the Terms & Conditions. Best wishes! Tom
I am sure Tony doesn't mind at all. Here's what a search brings up: Posted by scoot on September 23, 2009 - 03:16 I would like to enter some of the pieces I have on abctales in competitions...but most competitions require, "not previously published." Is it ok to enter material that has been on abctales? ‹ RE: Little Guutar Pick25.09.09 Story, Poem and IP of the week › tcook | September 25, 2009 - 16:48 This is a moot point and one that has raged around here for a while. Basically it's up to the competition people. We do not regard something on here as 'published' - after all it's still entirely yours, you can remove it when you want and you can do with it what you will. My advice on this one is to remove it from here before entering a comp but I wouldn't declare it as 'previously published'. delete edit reply scoot | September 26, 2009 - 02:55 thanks tony, it would be a considerable deterrent to putting things on the site if it meant they couldn't be offered elsewehere, wouldn't it? so that's great. ..................................................... I'm sure if you search further you'll find other places where he's said it doesn't really count. I think if I'd had a particular piece in an issue of the magazine, I'd count that as being published, but otherwise not. I don't see what ethics have to do with it.


I think poncey is right but it depends who you are submitting it too. Some mind and some don't. If they are seriously interested they will do a google search on the actual text. Anything posted here will show up.
Anonymous's picture
I think it counts. I think things posted on a blog count, too. So I only leave pieces on ABC until I start submitting them. Some editors will google a story, the title or a short sentence, to see if it shows up, but I'm not sure how many take the time to do this. But I'd rather not take the chance. I've been putting up stories here for five years and so far, this hasn't happened. Sim subs, that's where I've been bitten...
Thanks insert for finding my previous answer to this question. It is still my reply - and it will differ from comp to comp.
The “Terms & Conditions” is the only legally binding document. It should be read carefully and it’s not long. It is a straightforward agreement between the writer (contributor) and Abctales and appears to be quite standard. It looks like that in effect the writer can publish where and how he wishes (the copyright belongs to him). Abc also has the right to publish the material. This of course over-simplified. It's not clear to me what the standing is with “comments” “forums” “notices” etc. I don’t think these are “work submitted”. When reading the agreement it seems to me submitted work is indeed technically not “published“ although one has to have clarity on precisely what is meant in legal terms by “published”. Still I feel strongly there is an ethical obligation to consult the editor of Abctales before publishing material elsewhere. As well as an obligation on the part of Abc to notify a writer should there be legal infringements on his side. By the way the rules apply to work submitted. It makes no difference to “take it off” later once it has been posted. Also, should other publishers (eg the BBC) have their rules on what may be submitted, that can’t really be of consequence to Abc. Cheers. Tom
Anonymous's picture
I view abc as a workshop site, not a publishing venue. Still, many editors will consider a piece published if it has been made available to the public (which is why I say I think it counts). Since the content here isn't password protected, anything posted has been made available to the public. I don't think Tony wants to hear from each member everytime they submit something they posted, but I know he likes to hear from members who won a comp or were published in a magazine, with work that first appeared on abc.
I certainly do! I'm proud of you lot and I love it when an ABCtales member does well elsewhere.
In which case I'll let you all know here that my short story Smells and Bells has came 2nd in a jotspeak competition and I have won the princely sum of £45. I checked the competition rules carefully, definately ok to enter their competitions if you've posted here first.


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