Verbal snobbery

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I'm still looking forward intensely to the day when I'm asked 'What KIND of coffee, sir?' Hot and black, mate. Oh, and decaff... Look, just give me the jar and the kettle and I'll do it myself.
Well pricing aside, a genuine capuccino requires the frothing of the milk, n'est-ce pas? pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

And specifics aside, aren't we talking here about the Purity of the English Language? And wouldn't such a concept be a contradiction in terms? pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Alan The fact is words of French origin tend to be more lengthy and pretentious while words of Germanic origin tend to be shorter and more to the point. It was after all the Anglo Saxons who gave us all those wonderfully pithy four-letter words.
French sounds more romantic, though. 'Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?' versus 'Fancy the two of us shacking up for the night?' No contest. "The funniest observation of therapy I have ever read came from Hox , "I am worrying about my low self esteem, but John reassures me that it's a common problem with losers." Ha ha! How about 'He always sets himself the lowest standards of achievement, but always fails to live up to them'.
Our language evolved from Latin and anglo-saxon Sanskrit is the oldest (non-extinct Indo European language) and to be honest, I speak a little Sanskrit, so, at the end of the day, if we're talking purity then basically, I'm the winner, if you know what I mean. jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


Okay. Can't argue with that. How about a little Sanskrit, Jude? Another word I overuse to death: wossname - referring to anything or anybody. I've got a terrible memory.
One thing the French get absolutely right with their language (which we fail to do) is put the adjective after the noun. This is a much more listener friendly way of speaking. Tell people what the thing is and then describe it. After all the adjective is meaningless until you know what noun it applies to. One of the things I hate about listening to English is having to hold the adjective in my head while I wait for the speaker to give me the noun. If there's a long list of adjectives it can seem like a lifetime has passed before you get to the noun. Give us some Sanskrit Jude.
Sorry to disagree with you Jude, but humans were grunting thousands of years before Sanskrit developed, and I've been grunting for years, so I guess 'I' am the winner. That is until haemorrhoid decides to have the last word. I notice he's managed to terminate 8 of the last 10 or so threads today already.


I don't normally take sides, but Missi, at least Pepsoid writes things that make me smile. Words I use too much: Absolutely Right
He may make YOU and even some others smile but he's pissed off a lot of others, some to the point where they don't come here anymore. Not because he's nasty (a charge that's been laid at my door a few times), but because he's reduced this forum to banality with his incessant (sorry about the big word Bruce) schoolboy threads and posts.


Well, he hasn't managed to chase you away yet, Mr. Missi, so I imagine he isn't as bad as you'd like to think. I just don't see the point in getting wound up about language. The Anglo-Saxons gave us the brilliant bones of our language, yes, and Churchill's finest speeches were mostly comprised of Anglo-Saxonisms (making them concise and highly effective, I might add...). But the French added a richness to English and widened the possibilities of expression. I don't think the Frenchisms ('cappucino' is actually Italian; another gorgeous language) sound pretentious at all, unless the person is already pretentious, in which case s/he'll sound like a prat no matter what language s/he uses. Doncha think? I mean, I love pain au raisins with a cappucino (or better, a macchiato); if I want a white coffee, I'll say 'white coffee' and get something entirely different.
AG: "I just don't see the point in getting wound up about language." Hear hear! I admit I do cringe at certain words and phrases, or perhaps I should specify, "certain words and phrases in particular contexts" - but generally language (English, French, whatever) is rich and varied and ever-changing, and we as writers/readers should revel in this fact. [ Thanks for the positive words, Lisa & AG... Missi hasn't chased me off the site yet either, as I don't believe his incessantly banal bullying and "Voice of The ABC Forums" demeanour are actually as representative of the feeling of the members of ABC as he'd like to think... ;-) ] pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

The "Voice of The ABC Forums" demeanour...ha ha! Yes, I've been a news item for that voice, too, on occasion. Cracks me up, it does.
I like you, Peaceful... :-) pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

It takes all kinds of critters to make farmer Vincent's fritters. Visit me

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Missi is the forum pitbull... He needs to be muzzled... and if someone can chop his cock off too...I'd be indebted! ;) Daddy, take the banana! Tomorrow it's Sunday! - Faust

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

Why's that yan, hoping you'll get it in the post to suck on. Not surprised your woman fucked off. Maybe instead of blaming outside forces you should wonder if she wasn't fucking other men due to a lack of satisfaction on your part. Pissfull - back from your trip of sexual deviancy are you?
Your omniscience is gratifying, God. Why didn't I think of that? The reason she was fucking other men, almighty one, is due to a lack of satisfaction on my part! Talking of parts (and dogs) - if I received Missi's cock in the post I'd save it for your poxy, lily-white ass! 'you should wonder if she wasn't fucking other men due to a lack of satisfaction on your part.' But she was. Daddy, take the banana! Tomorrow it's Sunday! - Faust

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

Multiple personality disorder? One minute Mr. Love & Peace, the next wanting to stick a severed penis up someones lily-white ass. Which is it? Love or Hate? At an absolute minimum, Mississippi is honest and consistent. That's the starting point mind you. Visit me

Share your state secrets at...

Erm... I think Yan was somewhat goaded, Radio... :-/ pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

(who are you, GodAlmighty?) pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

ooh goody, an argument. Someone wake me up when we get to the bit about old abctalers vs new abctalers. I always enjoy that bit.


Or trolling... who is pretending to be who? Or is anyone who they say they are? Anyway, I'm off to bed... G'night all! :-))) pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

"GodAlmighty is not accepting e-mails." Ah well... guess we'll just have to rely on prayer, then.
"AllI need is a cup of instant white coffee." Wtf? Instant coffee? Let's just progress to food pills and have done with it! Buying a normal cup of coffee is *really* easy. You go anywhere and you ask for 'filter coffee'. You get served a cup of black with a couple of milk tubs or a jug if you're lucky. Sugar's on the table. Some places might also do instant, if you ask, but that's like going to a restaurant and asking for a microwave ready meal.
"if I received Missi's cock in the post I'd save it for your poxy, lily-white ass!" What makes you think it's white, seriously you should ask your wife, who if you don't mind me saying, gives great head.
language, language
'... seriously you should ask your wife, who if you don't mind me saying, gives great head.' I'll have to agree with you there :) '...going to a restaurant and asking for a microwave ready meal.' I went to a local cafe and asked for scrambled eggs on toast for my kid. The owner said, "can't do scrambled eggs, the microwave's not working." eh? lol Same with a 'meal pub' I was in last Tuesday. Chips were off the menu because, "..they haven't been delivered yet." But I could have a jacket spud with my meal instead. The cheek!! Daddy, take the banana! Tomorrow it's Sunday! - Faust

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

I recently went to a place in Worcester called Little Venice, asked for some sort of pasta-based meal (can't remember what it was, but it sounded "authentic"), also to be told that the packets that these meals came in hadn't yet been delivered... :-/ GodAlmighty... you are unpleasant, aren't you? pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Reply to pepsoid above re Little Venice in Worcester You are mistaken. I know this restaurant very well. They make all their pasta sauces on the premises. They are an independent restaurant, not part of some chain and their sauces are not delivered in packets, jars or tins unlike other places where it is all produced in factories and shipped out to multiple sites.
I went to KFC once and they'd run out of chicken, they were getting some taxi'd over from Bagshot.


Hey, Arsula! You're a fine one to talk about language. I thought you got off on this kinda OTT stuff!
Going to pick me off are you, sniper? Let's talk about going OTT shall we? Oh yeah- that's right! You're doing it now!
Stone me! What the hell's up with some of you people? This is supposed to be a thread about verbal snobbery, not verbal abuse.
Hear - and may I add? - hear, Mr B! pe ps oid ... What is "The Art of Tea"? ... (

The All New Pepsoid the Second!


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