Anyone know who this Spartacad Bloke is?

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Anyone know who this Spartacad Bloke is?

I mean, what is his problem?

Take a look at these remarks;

He accuses both Denni and myself of being morons and cretins, and I'm not saying he isn't entitled to his opinion, and I'm not saying we're not, but it's a bit confrontational, isn't it?

He goes on to say there's a park bench somewhere that requires us, and then calls us "vacant plebs infesting ABCtales," which either way you look at it is a bit harsh, isn't it?

I've asked him what he bases these opinions on, but he's neglected to reply.

I have absolutely no idea what I've done to upset to geezer.

The best thing to do is ignore the total willy.
I thought they'd freed Willy!
I try to avoid posting on the forums. Some people are singers and some people are shouters. If I have anything to say I prefer to post it as a story or poem rather than get into a shouting match which only those who shout the loudest and the longest ever win.
I think, Karl, after you had pointed out his/her logic was flawed, spartawhatsit must have gotten into a little self righteous undergrad tantrum. Maybe his/her penguin guide to capitalism and all the daily mail articles he/shes read didn't cover that eventuality. Whats the betting the hideous little urchin wades in here with some wordy, populist bollocks to try and incense everybody again? I hope so, or it would hardly have been worth insulting her/him/it ;)
Spartacad's been on ABC for years. I remember him/her from years ago. Probably been a member for longer than most on here now (apart from Karl :))
I think he's probably a bit disillusioned because he started a thread and no else one but me joined in, but that’s the nature of the forum. You throw it out there in the understanding that it’s not your baby anymore. A thread is an angst-filled teenager with a life of its own. You can guide it a little, but you can’t fully control it, anymore than you can control the conversation at a dinner party. He probably felt it was an extremely enlightened and well thought out piece, worthy of inclusion in The Times on Sunday or at least The Big Issue. And then for the most part it was ignored. But it’s not my fault, is it?


He made some really nasty comments about one of my stories once - he actually wrote it late on new years eve when the rest of the world was out partying. Apparently I just churn out unoriginal, conventional dross. I was, at the time, on a run of 10 or so cherries, and I think he was a tad jealous - on one of my cherriless runs he might have left me alone. I'd suggest you just ignore spartacards comments - the sort of bloke who sits alone on new years eve slagging off people on a writing site because they've got more cherries than he has is not the sort of person you should take seriously.


Karl. Thanks. Dx
here it is.