
Story and Poem of the Week and Inspiration Point

I hope you all had/are having a wonderful Christmas break, and that Father Christmas brought you everything you wished for. We've had some wonderful things posted this week - thank you so much for sharing them! It was particularly hard to decide on our Story of the Week, but I'm going to go with Jane Hyphen's very funny and original Planet Secret Santa Our Poem of the Week goes to Angus Folklore's wonderful The Border Ballads https://www...

How to Rob a Bank, (2024), Netflix documentary, written by Maxim Gertler-Jaffe, Max Peltz, Stephen Robert Morse, Seth Porges, Directors Stephen Robert Morse, Seth Porges. My eldest brother Stephen (SEV to his mates) was a bank robber. No, he wasn’t really. But he got arrested for attempting to rob the two banks in Clydebank Shopping Centre about 40 years ago. The police forensics swabbed his hair and declared there were traces of it in the backseat stockings. That showed that he’d pulled...

Christmas Stuffing

Being about stuff I'm planning to do for Christmas, of course! For the last couple of years, I've tried to come up with some Christmas-themed stories in addition to whatever is going on in Josiah and Archibald's rather odd world (which is also Christmas-themed at the moment, by happy coincidence!). This year, I've made a start with Christmas Pan-to , which considered the likely conversation between some of the items in a hardware shop window at...

Happy holidays and best wishes for 2025

Thirty Four Kilometres from where I live is Newgrange , and this morning the winter solstice took place. The site is believed to be over 5000 years old, and today is the shortest day and the longest night in Ireland. Its a time of stories being told around fires, of staying close to the light and ignoring the darkness around. And the world today is in a very, very dark place. So we console ourselves with stories, tales and conversations...

Story and Poem of the Week, and Inspiration Point

Story and Poem of the Week, and Inspiration Point chosen this week by di_hard Opening this Treasure Chest of ABCTales, again and again every reader will be struck by the variety of gems within, all different, all of value in their own way. As ever, too many to list, but enjoyed by this reader, so Thank You very much for posting Some of my favourites are : This beautiful diary entry from HarryC :

Jenni Fagin (2021) Luckenbooth.

Luckenbooth in Edinburgh dialect means Lockedbooth, the kind stall holders carted about to sell goods. Jenni Fagan whittles down her writing to what is true. She’s full of surprises. So when the devil’s daughter rows away from a Scottish island in a coffin made by her father and ends up in Leith docks, it’s no bigger surprise than Mary Anne McLeod leaving Tong, marrying Fred Trump and fathering the devil’s child Donald. The structure of the book...

Part 9 - Do you still hope?

Chapter Nine – Do you still hope to venture into a ‘significant other’ pair? Why / why not? Donna Yes, even for companionship in my old age. Alyss I would love a friend, a partner, someone who cares what happens to me, someone to be a shoulder to cry on and offer a smile of encouragement when things get tough… someone who knows if I am sick, or need help… but as time wears on, I am now not so sure I could merge my independent life with someone...

Part 8 - How to navigate Faith and Social Systems?

Question Eight – Traditionally, faith systems and social systems prefer women in a ‘paired off’ state. How have you navigated such thoughts and spaces? Donna I’m lucky that neither my family or my faith system has pressured me in any way. Alyss, I have learnt to keep quiet. I have sat in prayer circles where families with children are prayed for, as that’s what people believe in and that’s what the Bible calls for. The social system of holiday...

James McBride (2023) The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store.

The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store was Barrack Obama’s Pick for Book of the Year. You’d expect that. Much of the book is set in the years of the Great Depression, 1936. At the very bottom of the heap were the black man and woman. Standing beside them, but slightly above them were the immigrant whites, the Jews, whom the world could burn for all they cared. Top of the heap of Chicken Hill, Pennsylvania those with some education like Doc Roberts...

Tracy King (2024) Learning to Think.

Tracy King is the exception to the rule, rule. She’s working class. She got educated. She got a book published by one of the big five (or four) publishers. And, oh yeh, her dad got murdered. I’d read about what happened next in The Observer. She starts but not at the beginning. Setting the scene: I was born to working-class parents. Mum, Jackie was tiny. She worked part-time as a secretary but really was a full-time mum. Dad worked abroad He was...
