
Your e-tribes/life site

You have all received an email about this - possibly two! It seems like a great deal from our point of view - we wouldn't have made the offer if we didn't believe it to be so. And in the spirit of utter transparency we have declared that if you choose to upgrade your life site and begin to pay money then we will receive a share of that cash - that's good for us and, hopefully, good for you, as it allows us to burgeon. If you haven't received the...

Mark Brown steps down as editor of ABCtales

As of Tuesday 2nd of May 2006, Mark Brown is stepping down as editor of "I've enjoyed the time I've spent with you all over the last three years, and certainly won't be leaving ABCtales entirely", he says. Read his goodbye address here:

Bloggers' books win prizes

Take a look at this story from The Guardian - it should give hope to us all:,,1745535,00.html Maybe the time has come for publishers to find us in mysterious ways! Put your comments on to the General Discussion Forum on this story.

World Book Day - the findings

Thankyou to all of you who took part in the World Book Day survey. Here's what transpired:,,1721346,00.html You can debate these findings on our Discussion Forums.

HAVE YOU TRIED? #1: Sending an email to another ABCtales User

One of the most exciting things about putting your writing onto ABCtales is getting feedback from your fellow users. One way that this happens is through discussion in the 'Discuss Writing From' discussion forum. Another, more personal way that this happens is through contact by email. When you read something on ABCtales, why not take the time to send its author an email saying why you liked it or suggesting some things that could...
