Alice In Wonderland, White Rabbit

A collection of poems for children.

"When the voices of children are heard on the green,
And laughing is heard on the hill."

(William Blake - Songs of Innocence)

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And honoured among wagons I was prince of the apple towns
And once below a time I lordly had the trees and leaves
Trail with daisies and barley
Down the rivers of the windfall light.

(Dylan Thomas - Fern Hill)

"And a painting book in which I could make the grass,
the trees, the sea and the animals any colour I pleased, and still the dazzling sky-blue sheep are grazing in the red field under the rainbow-billed and pea-green birds."

(Dylan Thomas - A Child's Christmas in Wales)

"And two small boys fought fiercely and silently in the sand, rolling together in a ball of legs and bottoms. Then they went and saw the pierrots, or bought vanilla ices."

(Dylan Thomas - Holiday Memory)

Mr. Wilkins

Thank you Granny is what I purr..............

Pug Nacity

Pug Nacity's got you right under his thumb To him you are nothing - just a bum !


The rainbow fountains that glitter at night dispel the darkness with showering light.........

Ship in a Bottle

And on the prow was writ quite bold 'Neptune's Treasure' in letters of gold.

Sue Devine

The gentle rain on window pane Reminds me of one summer.

Summer Shower

Rush through the rain.............

The Birds

Blackbirds gather on the path, venting on each other wrath.........

The Colour Fountains

Colour Fountains in Barcelona

The Little Snowdrop

A little snowdrop..............

The Little Tea Pot

I am a little tea pot, I have a little spout, Daddy stirs me up, And Mammy pours me out. Standing here beside me, The milky jug and sugar, On the checky table-cloth,

The Spider

Though February fog is quite depressing, A spider's web is very refreshing. For sparkling like diamonds Are drops of rain, Caught in wefts of gossamer grain. The web is crafted

Venus Looking-Glass

As Sophie sat upon the ground, Venus Looking-Glass turned around. Her petals, blue or white, did say "Hello" to you, this summer's day. And when she preened herself so proud,

The Maths Teacher

Mr. Wickes loved his maths, He set his boys on all the right paths. With logarithms and ninety degree angles, He knotted their brains in a variety of...