Empire State

A tale of druids and witches and stuff

Empire State (Part Five) - The House in the Woods

Wicca celebrations can be based on the cycles of both the moon and the Sun. The former are known as Esbats and associated with the Goddess. Black...

Empire State (Part Four): The Initiate

Modern day Wiccans eschew the notion of left and right hand paths – left associated with malevolence, right linked with good intentions. Not everyone...

Empire State (Part One)

Halloween, Hallowe’en or All Hallows’ Eve is an important date in the Christian calendar. Probably based on Pagan tradition, it a time of remembrance...

Empire State (Part Three) - The Devil in Tintagel

Beltane is a Greater Sabbat celebrated on May Eve. It is one of the four Sabbats that are cross-quarter days. These form the Wheel of the Year. Only...

Empire State (Part Two)

Samhain is a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. Traditionally held on 1st November, celebrations...

Empire State (Part 6 of 7): Devil in the Attic

Wicca ritual practices are often staged with followers in a sacred circle. Spells are cast to bring about changes in the real world. “The Summerland...

Empire State (Part 7 of 7): Escape

I broke from the reverie, heart beating faster, pulse raising. Sam was in danger. I could try and rush the bodyguards left to keep me here but there...