New York Ramblings

Story of the week

Lost in New York - Pt II

Fut-fut-fut-fut-fut-fut go the pigeon’s wings slapping the walls of its tiny concrete airshaft by my window. I sit up in my mattress and rub my eyes,

Lady of Land

I stand here holding the key to my apartment. It’s jagged copper edge reminds me of a downward graph, like the Wall Street crisis. This is Brooklyn, though.

Lady of Land pt II -- 'Life in Boxes'

It’s early October. I’ve been sharing Sally’s flat with her for two weeks since Anita left. Just Sally. And I. Sharing. Two weeks. I arrange to move out.
Story of the week

Lost in New York

I am falling, hurtling through the stratosphere above Manhattan, terrified of being impaled to the antenna of some merciless skyscraper.