Sad Pilgrimage


After the Ball

Modern verse

Battered Children

Battered Children Day after day in the suburbs of despair something in the hearts of ordinary people leaps out, flares into white consuming heat,...

C: Ah, Lady

Ah, lady&;#8230; for Jannette Ah, lady, I have been benighted, fireless, by bitter springs since you once loved me; I have been alone where...

On Temple Street

In the amber light of morning, after the markets, the street is awash: plastic and vegetable scraps lie at the feet of the last few Chinese hookers, standing in doorways, marooned in morning.

The Nuns of Shwedagon

The Nuns of Shwedagon A clipping: from Shwedagon pagoda young Buddhist nuns file past the camera out into the heat and chaos of Rangoon. Their robes are palest coral and deep amber;