
This collection of writting were done at a poetry seminar betwwen feb 2007 up to present date


Frisbees do what they are supposed to do They skim and skip on sheets of air Light and breezy Suspended on crests of waves like Surfers on water

What excites me

What excites me is when I look Deep, deep yet deeper into you eyes And see the love reflecting back at me Your eyes shimmer like light refracting rain drops

No escaping this

This piece is for a new magazine called tripod which promotes new writers from Nottingham, Derby and Leicester. . The working title was Escape.

Things I have'nt brought with me today

I have not brought my seal of zeal this afternoon As a distant cloud has dulled my mood Also not with me is my beloved darling Who has in-fact not been with me for quite sometime

Things I have brought today

I have brought my warm, weathered waist coat Which is creased like an elephants hyde Also with me is a mood so melancholy That the birds have withdrawn as to escape Its shadowy clutch

The Promised child

Emaculate bliss of the euphrates Reflects forever your partner; The universal skies Where two become one Free In the cosmos of thought Glows a rainbow In your eyes