Unbelievable Gone to Press!

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Unbelievable Gone to Press!

Hi ABCtalers!

I just wanted to post an update on 'Unbelievable' because I know you're probably wondering what's happening! Unfortunately, things have been delayed for several reasons, including the editing process, printer schedules, perfecting the cover and my having been really ill for most of this year. Still, the good news is that the book has now gone to press and, if you have subscribed, it won't be long to wait now! The cover is amazing, the proofs look awesome - it's a visual feast! The Unbound special edition books really are gorgeous - I've just received my copy of Robert Llewellyn's 'News from Gardenia' and it is stunning!

There's still time to buy a special edition hardback copy or ebook at:


although the subscribers' list is now closed (it's being printed now!)

Trade edition should be coming out later in the year, so fingers crossed!

Jennifer Pickup x

Jennifer, that's fantastic news;-) Even more importantly though, I do so hope you are feeling much better now. I have been wondering, for a while, if things were still going ahead with the book, and I am really pleased 'Unbelievable' is, at last, coming to fruition. Tina x


Excellent news and thanks for the update (I'd been wondering ... ). Looking forward to it! Rob


Thank you, Tina, Rob, Jacques - fingers crossed! Can't wait to see the finished book! So excited! J x


Great news! Must be very exciting. All the best, Steve.
new Jennifer-Pick-Up Hi! Jenny, Yes I just put on did anyone know, about the book,as I ordered beginning. As put on here yesterday,as the post is getting back loggged an in parcel area. Could jhave got lost. Such good news. Can't remember what it under,I believe it may be "Wonderful Night title "The Wheatsheaf". I will delete if find. Sorry! Hurry up amd get completely well. Yep! been through big mechanical shop fall. Prayers all recovered off four weeks. Take care be great get and read book watched DVD. julie xx
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