so-called "Hotdesking"

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so-called "Hotdesking"

Doncha just hate it?!

*** pepsoid ***

I had to do it with Michael Parkinson at LBC. He never cleared his stuff off the desk so eventually I 'filed' it in the bin. Language? You've never heard the like.
Michael Parkinson? He always seems like such a tidy fellow... :-) * P * :-)

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

It isn't the trade in stolen office furniture? I'm disappointed. Buy my book, visit my blog:
We had a situation in our office some years ago that a parttime guy was supposed to hotdesk with a fulltime employee, what happened was we stole a desk from another department and he sat in the middle of an laready tiny office surrounded by three other desks including mine and the boss's.


Michael Parkinson? I thought his stock-in-trade was sychophancy.


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