Inspiration point (IP)

Inspiration Point for this week is Wild Side.

I hope it stirs some ideas and look forward very much to reading them

Wishing everyone a good week!

Inspiration point

Good News, Bad News

Image source: Pixabay - CC0 Creative Commons - No attribution required

Never say ‘bored’!

I’m b o r e d ! What! … an intriguing, intricate world to explore that cannot, really cannot, ever anybody bore!

Lone Wolf Dismayed

In reaction to the massacre in Las Vegas. We only talk about the shooter's race and gender (white male) in reference to reporting and accountability ("if he were a brown guy, he'd be called a terrorist!") But what if being a white male doesn't just let you get away with shit. What if it's actually causing the shit in the first place?

The End is Nigh

Everything’s falling apart Said the strangest man Of all, he is alone An island in the midst of Seas of change, new waves Ever crashing upon the...
