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I have 4 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 2734 times and one story has been cherrypicked.

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My stories

Smiley Face

This is where our mums used to take us when we were kids. It's not bad I suppose. I liked when I was younger, climbing frames especially. I liked climbing as high as I could and looking down and everyone being small. They took that big frame away though, said it wasn't safe anymore. Haven't put anything else up either. Skanks. There's just this one now, think it's probably been here for a hundred years.

Ice Cream in Winter

"God I'm so bored I think I might have to slit my wrists. Donna picked up a knife from the work surface tidy and pretended to drag it across the inside of her wrists. "You don't want to go doing it like that, you'll never bleed to death. Better to do it lengthways so you open all the veins up


He looks very young. Are they sending children now to fix TVs? He passes me his official ID, and I check it twice, just to be sure. His face is half familiar from the news reports ' only just too old to be throwing stones, old enough to be an Infitada suicide bomber. It is a face that has slid out from these reports and is now standing on my doorstep looking a bit nervous.

Last Orders

I motioned for the barmaid to put another whiskey in my glass. It was a foul night and most of the sailors had been adding to my profits since the afternoon. Heavy wind always makes for a certain restless, wild behaviour and I could see an argument brewing between two of my regulars over their games of cards. Greek Paulie had lost the last four hands and the set of his jaw became more aggressive with every card that seemed to be taking his opponent to another victory.