cheung shun sang

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I have 97 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 34244 times and one story has been cherrypicked.

cheung shun sang's picture
cheung shun sang

My stories

Evil one again

An evil one.. Not to go with soft refered as despotic rules are just. Nothing quite defected if nothing softly despotic.

Talks about the China

Talks about the China… China values some are cheaper labors. Just to put aside but there are china arms. They have intercontinental missiles that fit with nukes.

Talks about the China

Talks about the China… China values some are cheaper labors. Just to put aside but there are china arms. They have intercontinental missiles that fit with nukes.

Brief are laws

A brief as bribery… Some control freaks are china master tasks that also bribe and corrupt. Jabber words or fluent

Public hearing

Public hearing… Some argots from religion cults are here.
