J. A. Stapleton

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I have 113 stories published in 17 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 94311 times and 32 of my stories have been cherry picked.
6 of my 86 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 6 votes

J. A. Stapleton's picture

J. A. Stapleton is the author of three crime novels. His book, film and TV reviews are available on Instagram at @j.a.stapleton

His literary influences are Ian Fleming, Lee Child, Michael Connelly, Raymond Chandler and James Ellroy. 

The first book in the Detective Lacey series "THE PATROLMAN" will be published weekly on Friday with ABCTales.com. 

© J. A. Stapleton 2025

My stories


Nobody's Son or, Another Delinquent Boy's Betrayal (Part 1) REVISED

“Is it better for a man to have chosen evil rather than to have good imposed upon him?” – Anthony Burgess, A Clockwork Orange [1] . For Eleanor. [...

Roots - Non-Fiction Group Project (2 of 2)

It was probably three in the afternoon when I emerged, doing an impression of a Seven Dwarf, and so, I then headed on to the not so short, almost...

Roots - Non-Fiction Group Project (1 of 2)

“Home is where you hang your hat” – English Proverb. Rather than feeling nostalgic or sentimental , one should simply accept any place where one...

Nobody's Son or, Another Delinquent Boy's Betrayal (Part 1)

“Is it better for a man to have chosen evil rather than to have good imposed upon him?” – Anthony Burgess, A Clockwork Orange For Eleanor. [CHAPTER...

The Little Red Coat

The Little Red Coat. NOSTALGIA [nostalgia] n. 1. Longing for a happier or better time in the past. [1] ONE. It was late, sometime around one or two...
