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I have 21 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 13103 times and 3 of my stories have been cherry picked.

russiangypsy's picture

My stories

Skipping stanzas

... part-born letter

The Anorexic Soul

After the Bath, a Renoir painting...

Ferris Wheel

The Ferris wheel Soy un fue, y un será, y un es cansado. I am a was, and a will be, and a tired is. That is what I answered to my guest who asked what poetry was. ~~ I am art editor at

Bruce Lee in Heaven

For the flying dragon who smashed a No Dog or Chinese Allowed sign, God made him into a flying denizen. I guess Chinese, also, go to heaven. But he earned it with his hands and feet and for his deeds,
