A Wave Of Pirates

Matt goes on a weekend vacation on a private island with thirty other teens. But the island is soon invaded by a large group of menacing pirates. The pirates attack the teens and takes all of their belongings. One of the teens gets killed during a struggle with the pirates and Matt becomes furious.

The pirates remain on the island for a while longer and Matt plots his plan for revenge. Will Matt and the others be able to get revenge for their friend and escape the island? Or will there be more tragedies to come?

A Wave Of Pirates 1) "The Attack"

His hair was wild and the plaid shirt he wore was pretty filthy. But what I really noticed was a pretty big shotgun in his hands... and it was pointed straight at my chest.

A Wave Of Pirates 10) Leaving the battlefield

I sprinted to the window and leaped forward. I was halfway inside when someone grabbed my foot.

A Wave Of Pirates 11) Hope

I opened my eyes and smiled as I saw Brandy's beautiful face. She smiled back at me and laughed.

A Wave of Pirates 12 "Surprise, surprise"

I stood up and out the corner of my eye, I saw something move pass the window. My heart thudded in my chest and I grabbed the hand gun off the coffee table in front of me.

A Wave of Pirates 13) Shots Fired

Suddenly I was hit hard on top of the head and I collapsed to the floor.

A Wave of Pirates 14) Twists

What if Henry already knew? I grabbed him by the shirt. "Tell me you didn't know! Tell me!"

A Wave Of Pirates 2) "Self Defense"

Blood trickled from my nose as my vision blurred. The man pointed the gun down at me, but this time I wouldn't be able to dodge it.

A Wave Of Pirates 3) "Send Him Company"

"Don't you do it!" I shouted. "I have your daughter. If you hurt anyone, she's dead and then you're next."

A Wave Of Pirates 4) "Chaos"

I squinted at them as they raised something in their hands. Then I gasped as I realized what they were holding. Crossbows!

A Wave Of Pirates 5) "You Are All Dead"

"Are you kidding me? You killed Uncle Lou... You kidnapped me, and you all attacked the Marsavians. The chaos hasn't even began."

A Wave Of Pirates 6) The Discovery

I turned around and saw two of the men approaching me. Their eyes were narrowed in anger and their hands were balled into fists.

A Wave Of Pirates 7) To The Rescue

The fourteen year old had untied Henry and was now staring down at the man with terror in his eyes.

A Wave Of Pirates 8) Escaping While Sinking

Henry was distracted by Kevin and Jack, so he didn't see the pirate preparing to stab him too.

A Wave Of Pirates 9) Close To Death

I could feel my body growing weak. I grabbed his forearms and tried to tug them away, but ofcourse that didn't work.