Problem with my page

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Problem with my page

Is anyone else having problems with their page because everything I put up ends up all jumbled up at the bottom. The only way I can describe it is to say it is as if one thing has been printed over another.

Help! Somebody please!

Yes me too Moya.


Mine's all moved to the left! Maybe FTSE pressed the red button?
It's the same for all of us Moya, so don't worry. Site problem that will be no doubt sorted soon. Thanks for flagging it up.


Relax folks, as Sooz... says, it will straighten up. I went into a frenzy a few weeks ago thinking my old computer bit the dust, but it was the service provider. In the meantime, contact your source and see if their computer system is glitching. Eh? Richard LP
Richard L. Provencher
It's in the process of getting sorted. Apologies.
I've been a bit down in the dumps the last couple of weeks and I've been working on a story to keep me (relatively) sane, but I had the same problem when I tried to post it. Ho hum.