A technical question : How are number of 'reads' measured?

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A technical question : How are number of 'reads' measured?

If I go and open my poem or story every time for editing or to check other people's comments would that count as a separate 'read'? Won't that increase the number of 'reads' artificially?

Or is there a separate way for counting 'reads'?

I think every time anyone clicks on a piece it counts as a read


I have heard a rumour that some writers click on their work all day long to make others think it must be a wonderful piece. I don't; you only have to look at the pathetic number of reads I get to know that this is true!
I'm afraid I've done it to try and boost my reads... started off as an accident and then it became a habit. I wanted to get more reads than Biggus -- I didn't have the time to do that sort of clicking myself and I hired cheap labour, Bangalore, Tai Pei, Clacton... I went off line for about 8 years to get the problem treated


Thanks guys. Even I noticed that after editing my piece, the count of 'reads' would increase by 1. Thus, the doubt. So from now on, I guess I have to be careful with the number of visits I make to reply to comments of other people , editing etc... It's sad. Would have been nice to know only the number of reads that have been got due to others and not due my own visits. So, I will just minus 3-4 'reads' from the number shown there to derive the actual figure. Everybody is original if he is true to himself and speaks from his self. But it must be from his true self and not from the self he thinks he should be. - Brenda Ueland
Even that's not a true representation though Pom, some people will click on and then immediately click off again. It doesn't necessarily mean that it's been read just that somebody's opened it. That's why I leave a comment on every piece that I read, even if I can't offer anything useful, it lets the person know that their works has actually been read.


Basically we need a counter that will measure when someone clicks into your story, tracks their eyes to ensure they've read every word, and understood, then reads their mind to automatically post some constructively worded critique. FTSE, number 1,286 for the list. Cheers.
All I know is that I certainly hope 3658 people did not 'read' my story about being a smartass.

Give me the beat boys and free my soul! I wanna getta lost in ya rock n' roll and drift away. Drift away...

Hmm so I guess I will learn to live with the flawed system. :) Everybody is original if he is true to himself and speaks from his self. But it must be from his true self and not from the self he thinks he should be. - Brenda Ueland
Surely the idea of fiction is to create a story that is not about the normal humdrum life most of lead.