Free to enter writing opportunities

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Free to enter writing opportunities

The latest list of free to enter thingies (don't forget the James White Award [31 Jan] and Writers and Artists Yearbook [15 Feb] competitions I've plugged previously).


Readers Digest 100 word story competition – Stories must be exactly 100 words in length and not previously published, free to enter, first prize £500, deadline 31 January 2015.

Further details:


Conville & Walsh Word of mouth prize – opportunity for previously unpublished novels. Send completed (or near completed) manuscript (must be at least 30,000 words). Deadline 31 January. Further details:


The Clare Swift Short Story Award – Stories up to 5,000 words in length, entrants must be from the NE of England, Deadline 2 February 2015.

Further details:



BBC opening lines – Radio 4’s opening lines is open for submissions for a short story, 1,900 to 2,000 words in length. Deadline 13 February 2015. 



Neil Gunn Writing Award – A short story up to 2,500 words on one of the following themes:

i) “For love is the creator and cruelty is that which destroys”

ii) “The secret loveliness and laughter in things”

iii) “The extra magic of distance” 

Deadline 2nd March 2015.

For further details visit:


Kenneth Branagh Award – playwriting competition, one-act plays up to 30 minutes in length, deadline 5 March 2015.

Further Details:

good stuff terence, 


Thanks (again) for this Tel.



No problem, I just hope I'm the conduit to an abc talers success


Terence you are the fountain of all knowledge! Thank you. Great to know that someone can keep us all up to date with all these competeitions. I might have a go at the 100 word challenge!