Calling All Editors

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Calling All Editors

Hi folks,

I have the dreaded lurgi something rotten. Hence the lack of cherries etc round here of late. Unfortunately I am still feeling very ill indeed so if any of the Eds can spare an hour or two to clear the spike I would be very grateful.

pip pip

Still very ill indeed and need all the help I can get. No Story, Poem etc of the week. Apologies. Normal service will be resumed asap.
Sure you won't see this from the comfort of your lit hospitale... but get well soon! Ewan (and Moffat!)
You have my symathies Tone, I've had one bug or another for weeks. That's the problem of having kids and working with youngsters, you catch everything. The only good thing about it is I don't need to worry about piling on the pounds at Xmas, I need to put em back on! Craig
Get well soon, Tony.


Hope you are better in time for Christmas Tony. Thinking of you Val x
Thanks folks - I am still absolutely out of it but trying to catch up a bit. It's just a very nasty flu that won't go away - it was my poor wife's birthday on Saturday and she didn't get a thing from me! At the moment it'll be the same on christmas day - and we have grandson, daughter, son in law, my old Mum and brother and sister in law all turning up for Christmas with us. It's all going a bit Pete tong. Ho Hum.
Yes, it's a very bad bug and it has spread everywhere. Get well soon, Tony... and have a great Xmas! In fact I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Oh, I forgot to mention. The bug gave me terrible breathing problems but I found wasabi to be a truly magical, if only temporary, aid. Maybe the raw fish helps too :O)
*sprinkles Karvol over forums* ~
Sounds like the same as mine Tony, like a different type of flu, cold or virus on a continual cycle. Now I just have a chesty cough. I too Mykle have had the breathing problems, I have to keep getting up in the night and walking round the garden so the cold air opens up my airways! The day I came down with it I was travelling by train from the South coast to Yorkshire to an event that featured Polly Toynbee who I admire and would love to have chatted to, as it was I arrived and went straight to bed. The train also broke down at Banbury! Always when you're ill. Get well soon Tony. Craig
Tony, sorry to hear that you are unwell....why do these things always seem to happen at Christmas? I'm sure your family will be far more concerned with your health than worrying about presents so just concentrate on getting well! And please do it soon, the site needs you. Have as a happy a Christmas as you can and a healthy, peaceful and prosperous New Year.
Thankyou all - beginning to feel a little better at last. It sure has been a long haul. All the very best to all of you and here's to a great 2009.
Ah, Tony, you're at the "I think it's about to get better" stage, are you? Well that's soon replaced by the "worse than before" stage. I'll let you know when that ends (I'm a few days ahead of you). All the best. Gareth
Get well soon TC. It does annoy me when people say while at work 'I have a touch of 'flu.' No you don't you have a cold, influenza will knock you sideways if you're fit and will kill the old and infirm!' Pah! Was it 1912 well an influenza epidemic killed 20 million people across Europe? Oh the reason I checked in is are the techies in? How does one over-ride the spellchecker on the word processor?


That was supposed to read when instead of well. Must learn to proof-read or touch-type.


What you need is a spellchecker...
Nah. I rarely make a mistake when spelling, the problem is looking at the keyboard rather than looking at the screen. I write a lot of slang in my work and the spellchecker wouldn't let me write nestlin' whereas I can here. It kept automatically inserting the g on the end, and there was no way around it the pedantic little piece of technology.


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