Mark Heathcote

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryBeautiful creations Mark Heathcote110 years 12 months ago
StoryBe then he a man who is manly Mark Heathcote010 years 12 months ago
StoryBabylon’s garden Mark Heathcote010 years 12 months ago
StoryAutumn’s beauty transcends Mark Heathcote010 years 12 months ago
StoryAutumn love... Mark Heathcote110 years 12 months ago
StoryAutumn breeze... Mark Heathcote010 years 12 months ago
StoryAt dusk as I urged the fish too bite Mark Heathcote010 years 12 months ago
StoryAsk what is there to hunt or fish for now? Mark Heathcote010 years 12 months ago
StoryAsexual Mark Heathcote010 years 12 months ago
StoryApprehensive lovers Mark Heathcote210 years 12 months ago
StoryApposing purple—day? Mark Heathcote010 years 12 months ago
StoryAny more than the moons aglow… Mark Heathcote510 years 12 months ago
StoryAnother valentine! Mark Heathcote110 years 12 months ago
StoryAnne Frank Mark Heathcote010 years 12 months ago
StoryAnesthetized shock! Mark Heathcote010 years 12 months ago
StoryAn unfinished song Mark Heathcote010 years 12 months ago
StoryAn accommodating beggar Mark Heathcote010 years 12 months ago
StoryAm I Insensitive? Mark Heathcote110 years 12 months ago
StoryAll will come to understand? Mark Heathcote010 years 12 months ago
StoryAll long' the reign of absorption Mark Heathcote010 years 12 months ago
StoryAll long' the reign of absorption Mark Heathcote010 years 12 months ago
StoryAll and sundry loosely delved Mark Heathcote010 years 12 months ago
StoryAhead; anew moon, raises falsehood. Mark Heathcote010 years 12 months ago
StoryAfrikaner, Caribbean Mark Heathcote010 years 12 months ago
StoryAfraid you’d lose your virtue Mark Heathcote010 years 12 months ago

My stories

The tree brides

“Of course a tree has rings… And each a wedding band” O to be the “bride” of such a tree … To bask in his emerald love unendingly. Minus all other pining cordialities


Sometimes a seed will not grow, Removed from one earth to another is hell Never reaching the same stellar highs From whence it was picked: Why is this - who can tell?

A bout of bronchitis!

Someone, somewhere Maybe, not everywhere!

I’m dreaming of an Indian summer

It was a very dry spring And previously a very wet summer Now, what will it deliver? After a record breaking, warm winter. “Yes, I’m talking about the weather”.

Wiry, dragon …

A magpie - cawed… Hopping along the roadside verge Betwixt, flight and fear But knowing neither one! And then the thought arose. “Should I take it as a pet?” This wiry, dragon …
