Terrence Oblong

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryFuneral Terrence Oblong714 years 6 months ago


My stories

Gold cherry

The international speed writing competition

The international speed writing competition had grown to monolithic proportions, popular all over the world with writers, aspiring writers and even non-writers.

You is sinner

You is sinner. You is all sinners. And God has sent a tiger unto us to show his fury, to carry out his great vengeance on a sinful world.

The obsession short story competition

He handed me the disc with a smile. “Should keep you busy, over four thousand stories to read.” He checked a piece of paper; “Four thousand, one hundred and twenty-six to be precise.”

That chair

Sit anywhere, I’ll make you a brew. Charlie should be home soon. If he aint he’ll miss his dinner.
