Ace of Hearts

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I have 4 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 842 times

Ace of Hearts's picture

20 years old

College student



Generally bored

My stories

In the Rain

I have never been as in love with you as I am at this moment and I love you more each second. Earlier, you pulled me into the pouring rain. You...

Every Second Hurts

2 years 730.5 days 17,532 hours 1,051,920 minutes 63,115,200 seconds

The Classics

I remember the day you first asked me about literature. I listed some classics and while you recognized them, you weren't sure what they were about...


"I love you so much," I whisper, cuddling into you on the couch. I burrow into your chest to listen to your heart's steady beat. Distantly, I hear an...