Jane Hyphen

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I have 332 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 469539 times and 406 of my stories have been cherry picked.
419 of my 2,309 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 445 votes

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My stories

The Bad News

The bad news came in spoken words Absurdities in deadpan tones My manners saved me from myself 'Well thanks,' I said, 'for all your help.' While inward beat a heavy drum

Cillit Bang

An illicit bang with Barry On his spotless kitchen floor His powerful Squirt Zero dirt What lady could want more? I've been watching you Barry Scott I know where you live


Do you have a wandering mind? Are you one of the vacant kind? Do you drift and float away, When you're boss has something important to say? Take it from me there's no disgrace

George and Spider Part Nine - The Lawns Estate cont'd

'The big one?' said Spider, puzzled. 'Yes! Remember the big one, coming up? Winky Glowacki?'
