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I have 122 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 96870 times and 70 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Lem's picture

My stories

His Dilemma

Snippet from my novel-to-be (fingers crossed) :)

Preface. The Game Begins

It is bitter winter in the mountains, a pale sickle moon casting a wan silver light over the unmarked white of the snow.

You Will Be Mine (Not-at-all-literal translation of 'Tu Seras À Moi')

I gaze into the night without seeing the moon Which gleams palely down upon me, and illuminates my pen. I cannot sleep, I cannot rest, I only think of you-

Tu Seras À Moi

Je regarde dans la nuit sans remarquer la lune Qui luit pâle sur mon bureau, qui éclaire ma plume. Je ne peut pas dormir, ne pense que de toi, Et prie alors qu’un jour, tu seras à moi.

The Little Reader

To Jacob, though he won't see it :)
