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I have 78 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 74052 times and 23 of my stories have been cherry picked.
10 of my 210 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 10 votes

PoppyS's picture

I live in Cumbria on the beautiful Solway Plain.
I love writing especially poetry I also enjoy collecting poetry books my collection numbers well over 200 (not valuable) just a variety of different writers both modern and old.

My stories

Business Man Abroad

It was never planned preordained. Fifty five and spinning spoken untruths, beneath the crisp clean sheets. She had taken him places, never to be...


Nineteen fourteen and he has his passport to a country full of a language he will not understand. Still, what does it matter – it will be all over...


Move him into the sun - for that one, last time he should never discern, the cold. There he now lies - red flowing underfoot, our plans incomplete...

Home Alone

I don’t plan on getting out of bed much today The peacefulness soothes me, wrapped down deep hidden from view. Though who am I hiding from is not...


Not the delicate hint of rose’s petals curled, faded edges of brown. Chairs scrape along the cold hard floor people leaving before their final...
