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I have 571 stories published in 17 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 594497 times and 318 of my stories have been cherry picked.
5 of my 93 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 6 votes

My stories

California Diary 3

I've made a mess that is unfixable and now I have to simply give up. It's a relief. I'm too good and I value myself more than the constant trips to hell. Fuck it!

California Diary 2

LA: 9th August 7.15am I had big plans for yesterday. Was going to go downtown in the sunshine, look at some art at MOMA, buy some postcards and eat some overcooked meat. It never happened though. Jetlag and a dispiriting message from home bamboozled me. The best laid plans of mice and men.

California Diary 1

LA: 8th August 7.30am The coffee is very good here. Strong and long. Even the cigarettes taste better with the java. The fruit is fresher too; it all looks like some commercial, ripe and irresistible, a Sainsbury's wet dream.


We are lost satellites. Orbiting cul de sacs. No stars here. Black holes. We are bad maths. Dylexic algebra. Not adding up. Lost love letters. We are broken radios. We are scratched records.

Scene In My Coffee Cup

All my boxes are packed. My little life. Taped down. This house. Full of memories. The saddest of things. Take my breath away. I sleep light. Claw at the duvet. Sit then stand. A four in the morning summit.
