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I have 571 stories published in 17 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 594489 times and 318 of my stories have been cherry picked.
5 of my 93 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 6 votes

My stories

Ruby's Felt Tipped Pen

Dolly in a push chair. Christmas, and carpet stains. An eight year old girl. Drawing me. On a whiteboard. Just off the kitchen. A tiny hand spiralling. Generous to my lack of hair. A tiny thumb in mouth.


Room scattered with the things that every days are made of rotting food from days ago stale curls of crisps her body is a centrepiece its skin iced, diced, puffed the blood needles high five her sleep

California Diary 11

L.A: 18th August 7.37am Mark Rothko gets me every time. It's only colour. So Paula and me go to the Museum of Contemporary Art. It's downtown and I have been there before. Saw a great David Hockney show a few years ago.

California Diary 10

L.A: 17th August 9.02am I would like to die in a diner please. With Patsy Cline playing in the background, and a half eaten piece of pie in front of me. That would be a good way to go I think. After my Santa Barbara breakdown. I am now returned to the city of angels. I slept the whole way back on the train. The rolling motions of the Ocean Pacific railway a good sedative that has me curled up on a window seat.

California Diary 9

Santa Barbara: 16th August 12.25pm Basildon Bonds. Even here by the Pacific Ocean. I have stayed in hostels before. Done my time all over Australia in1999/2000 with Jane. So the moment I walked through the door here I knew the score, the rules, or the lack of them. The mess and laziness.
