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I have 779 stories published in 31 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 626275 times and 21 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 44 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

Tretchicovmanicova's picture

the little, half moon
rises in the eastern sky
a splendid sight to
behold, surrounded by blue
sky, a silent example.

-a tanka by ©`t. imaan tretchicovmanicova

My stories

"the sun, now her crown"

ornamental jewelry, he loans nightly, twinkles against the ebony backdrop of his symphony, she arches like the crescent moon...

"her night's performance"

a bough gently leans across the calm, still lake. its reflection pulls to the sky and softly kisses the brow of each cloud, leaving a slight indentation from which rain will now fall. extend the branches


stand still do i with you so far the moon crest night and twinkling star so much unsaid my mouth has closed my thoughts for you now in repose the course has turned to my dislike i kneel not now to serve your likes


two lips apart doth part and kiss still in the night so still and bright new moon she is in splendour bliss she leans upon her silent knight his outstretched arms now do release this crescent young into his stars

"His angels"

a feather flew down
