Love and Loss

Things that make or break the heart

Don't Forget Your Family

Don’t forget to step lightly, as you sneak in silence down the stairs. Past the family photos- pieces of our lives frozen on the wall. Don’t forget to turn off the

Don't Forget to Play Pretend

Don’t forget to savor these small fleeting moments. Amidst the chaos of diapering and feeding time, the tedium of scrubbing and scheduling, don’t forget the wondrous joy

Lament to the Shadows

She waits under cover of darkness, undeserving of the sun’s luster. Her form that of a withering carcass, No will remains to muster. Undeserving of the sun’s luster,

Wishing Star

Through the branches, outstretched, like glittering gold in a sifting pan; their effervescence forever etched upon the sky where light began. Like glittering gold in a sifting pan,

The Note

The cold wind bit at his face as he traversed the front walk, skipping the last step just as he always used to as a child.


Monochromatic walls slowly regain their pigment in the early morning glow. You slumber still, a peaceful state unbroken by any worldly distractions. As the rising light