Mixed bag

Poems and verses on various subjects

Gold cherry


This mansion has many rooms. Sunlit salons with faded wallpaper. Antique rings that plink against green glass spikes. Ponderous chests of linens and lavender.

A Living Room

The room where sunlight streamed and made me squint In 'Fifty-Four - the curtains not yet up - Grey Marley tiles, and fireplace mottled brown, Chairs, sideboard, table - all Utility -

Coloured glass

(To be performed in a North Country accent) Coloured glass, coloured glass, Saw it in Silver's when I was a lass. Bowls of yellow and bowls of blue, Bowls of green and every hue,

Crayfish on the lawn

Early March, and news is broadcast of floods in western France ..

Plaint of the Supermarket Cashier

Iceberg lettuce and deep pan pizza Get boring after a while, And cola and bleach and peaches and bread ... Must offer to pack and smile Whether I'm happy and energetic

Ode to a Roadside Snack-bar

A welcome break on a tiring holiday journey. Not to be taken too seriously.


Miranda sat in the shadows. The rustling harvest-mouse Nibbled the wheat on the altar In the gloom of God's echoing house. The beetles clicked, the spiders wove,

What became of St Polycarp's

Based on something I saw in my travels a couple of years ago.

On a train

I wish I could describe to you in your cramped house with the sheltered garden the spaciousness I see, the expanse I feel when riding in a train across the plain.


It is made of a limestone gorge with caves, a long lake. It is comfrey and nettles, hemlock, mint and dock. It is peaceful after the roads.

I can see your house from here

I can see your house from here (The roof at any rate), The slates of grey, a lawn, two trees, A flower-bed, a gate, Also the houses of your friends, Featherstone and MacDougall,