Odd Thoughts

Here are some thoughts and memories on being the one who tried to save the day.

Apart from being a bit of introspection and therapy for me, maybe it will be interesting to people who have found themselves in a similar situation.


Poem of the week

Messiah to Mummy

Messiah to mummy. Mother to brother. Mother to sister. Daughter is eldest. Daughter is best. Means she is good. Means she says yes. Prescriptions. Nineteen eleven fifty nine. Appointments.


Finding out. Finding out that mashed potato must be boiled before it is mashed. First.

Never too Late

That rainbow shop has closed now. Amazon stole it's heart. The woman with the cerise dreadlocks went away with her amethysts and interesting books.


Eight or nine. You rubbed my neck in the back of the taxi. This was your apology; it was late, you were drunk again. I was stiff and angry.

Sitting on a Plastic Chair

There was no exit strategy, no sustainability there was no protection from the wolves and nobody had the sense to lock the door.

The Kindest Light

Mum, it seems I haven't painted you in the best light lately. Things I've said, things I've written. Making our shadows poetic, and public. But listen, it's because I've found a voice.


You came forth different thorny and beaten your unfurling violent and self-loathing the constant sense that nothing is right not with you, in your head.


I got addicted while trying to medicate you sedate you ease out the strange marzipan of our days with my rolling pin joints


Funny, I feel closer to your dead body with a cigarette in my hand

The Child in a Drugs Raid (For Abigail)

The child in a drugs raid may piss herself – it's the shock. The massive boom The shouting. The splintering door. The child in a drugs raid may feel...