Poetry old and new

A collection of poems that have been written over the last twenty years or so

May's merry maidens

Mischief in the forest as maidens and young men drift away from the Beltane fires

Through the smoke of the evening fire

Light the fire son The time has almost come The great May rite will pass Invoking summer at long last Passing through the Beltane fire The fertility of the sacred pyre

Non -sense

I touch the window & follow the rain Wishing it was acid Falling on your brain I smell the sewer It's putrid smell Desiring that you Were burning in hell I taste the poison


I frown at the chair It sits there staring back at me I ask its purpose It answers me not I talk at the TV It responds obscurely Frustrated I argue back But on-screen no one hears me

Miss Havisham

A thousand stars glittered about your form And the Sun rose and fell with your beauty Flowers blossomed in spring And the leaves fell in Autumn But you stand still in time You wear your gown

Waking nightmare

Depression waves over me Like the deep blue sea Encompassing me in safety Till I slowly numb to the outside. Trapped within my nightmares The demons play within my mind


Earth, Air, Fire, Water Bless this house of bricks and mortar North, South, East, West May this body and soul be blessed By the setting sun and full moon

Shakespeare in Love

O joyful love O Sorrowful parting O Spiteful fate As I watch my love In the promised arms

My unrealistic expectation

A self deprecating poem about my unrealistic expectations when posting poems online.