Inspiration point (IP)

This week's Inspiration Point, roughly inspired by Ralph's poem, The Rower, is to write a story or poem based on a piece of writing you admire. 

Inspiration point

Gold cherry

Puzzlement (IP)

What child is this, wise men revere … Accepted, ordinary village lad … he taught as none had ever taught … His kindness clearly seen …

Melting into Christmas Carols

Melting into Christmas Carols It’s blissfulness I’ve found, something I can’t describe. Like roses with exotic perfume unveiling their aromas tide by...

Once Upon a time in Bethlehem

It was a cold winter night, And the stars were shining bright, All the creatures were waiting the light, Of the birth of he who would save us by...

Blue (or A Boy Called Fay) - IP (sort of)

Preggers our ol’ Maureen was, she hoped it weren’t a gal. A happy little bunny ‘cos for Bert, at last, a pal! So blue the bootees and the bed, no...

Short burst of Inspiration v3

Everything in my body screamed at me to flee. Primal insistant twitches in my muscles urged me to get as far away from this preditor as fast as my...
