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I have 1977 stories published in 34 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 2147295 times and 1282 of my stories have been cherry picked.
357 of my 3,550 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 385 votes

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Ewan's picture
Ewan Lawrie

The picture is me signing copies of my novel, Gibbous House at Unbound Books HQ in Islington by the canal.
All three Moffat novels are available here

My stories

Daguerreotype VI

Hard work isn't it? You should try writing it! :-)

Splurge IP

IP I don't know much about this subject.


I don't smoke... don't suppose anyone will soon. Reckon no-one will have a voice like Tom Waits then.

Secret Vices

we all have them....

Ceci n'est pas la Poèsie

Hmmm... not much inspiration around these parts pardner! Guess I'll saddle up and ride.
