Mark Heathcote

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I have 597 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 324090 times and 9 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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Mark Heathcote

My stories

Redemptive lovers…

My love we haven’t danced or linked arms Like those leafless apple trees in the orchard. Not for a while have we rolled in the weir… Ankle to ankle, souls, bobbing naked inward-

Electrical wirings...

Insular feelings that’s what we all share Electrical wirings vibrating the air! One impulse to hold - another to leap!

To find an arrows pinpoint of weakness…

Love cuts through, cowardly, courage. To find an arrows pinpoint of weakness… Where it can draw drops of crimson blood Eking out its Sires; Bow-wielding warrior’s emptiness...


“Redemption” does it come with a sell by date! If it does I fear I’m already too late! See I’ve done my bit of blasphemy disrespectfully

Does the hummingbird know best?

There’s a banquet table So big, and so, high It leaves us mindful …That the floor is a pigsty. Hummingbird on the wind Flutter; just suspend… Note not flowers pinned.
