mark p

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I have 147 stories published in 4 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 52343 times and 62 of my stories have been cherry picked.
5 of my 37 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 6 votes

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Mark Pithie

Poet , Prose Writer and occasional Blogger.

My blog is called The Eclectic Audiolab and includes poetry , short stories and music related musings and memoirs.

My stories

Gold cherry

The Glowing Man ( Adam Maxwell-Farquhar - Tale 5)

After my experiences in France, I returned to Aberdeen, and being somewhat distressed by my experiences there, I was deemed to be ‘distressed’ by the...

Granite Noir

Ryan had never been particularly good at solving problems in his life. It was always left to someone else to pick up the pieces after the event, if...

Garret Blues

I live in a garret, perched on the top floor, I live in a garret, perched on the top floor, Its so peaceful when I’m locked behind my door. I live in...

The Afterthought

I am the poem at the back of the book hidden discreetly, where no one will look. The rejected fragment that somehow got in. the dull afterthought...


His snapshot:update Chandler shot through with sadness, an outsider's take on big city madness, sitting there with time to kill, it's a solipsistic...
