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I have 1859 stories published in 16 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 2662335 times and 546 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1340 of my 12,177 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1378 votes

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My stories


The Long Mynd, Shropshire (12/10/19)

On top of the Mynd with its autumn brown, soft waves and humps and troughs reaching down; glider takes off flung high to drift round for bird’s-eye...

Contentment or contempt

[Continuing the hymn-for-Sundays series] The showers of blessings refresh grateful souls … but hearts that are hardened don’t let blessings in – like ducks’ backs and rocks that just brush away rain.

and each morning a …

See films in my head in the catch-up land … refresh-mode’s ‘go-slow’, prepared for the forthcoming ‘Rise-up-and-go’ …

That’s where I was when I wrote it down …!

When you read a verse or song you once composed, maybe so long a time ago, does it bring back the scene described, or sometimes have a knack to...

Good Seed

[Continuing the hymn-for-Sundays series] The seed of God’s truth falls into good ground, is watered by thought: fruit soon will abound. Grows up to...
