Terrence Oblong

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I have 793 stories published in 41 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 655893 times and 562 of my stories have been cherry picked.
18 of my 737 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 19 votes

Terrence Oblong's picture
Dave Clark


My stories


The feast of the Hurling Birds

The forest is a flutter with the Hurling Birds. Come, let us follow them and see what this hullabaloo is all about. They’re an awesome sight, aren’t...

The Tomb of One Direction

The ballerina was just 14 when she died.

True tales from an austere kingdom (4)

There is no mob in the world so fearful as a London mob. Such is the entry in my diary for the time of the coal price riots. Having seen more of the...

True tales from an austere kingdom (3)

Parliament was in uproar. It so happened that the financiers tasked with examining the king’s books had discovered that he had less than one million...

Café Boris – the football match

“It’s the football tomorrow night,” Sergei said to Boris one morning. “Football,” Boris shrugged, “what do I care. I don’t follow football.” “It’s...
