Terrence Oblong

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I have 797 stories published in 42 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 661419 times and 563 of my stories have been cherry picked.
18 of my 737 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 19 votes

Terrence Oblong's picture
Dave Clark


My stories



It was the smell of the fire Danny liked, the smoky tingle up his nostrils as the fire took hold.

The Cat’s Letter

The letter lies before me enclosing A4 destiny, unseen. I stand knife alert conscious I must insert, rip and extract. For I am the cat, trapped dark and lonely in the box,


The spade turns and the soil lifts.
Gold cherry


If I were to jump that would be it. No-one could stop me. Three second’s shock and awe, then splat! Just like dad. Only his was pills. Dad didn’t go splat.
