Terrence Oblong

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I have 793 stories published in 41 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 654675 times and 561 of my stories have been cherry picked.
18 of my 737 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 19 votes

Terrence Oblong's picture
Dave Clark


My stories


The Phone Rang

The phone rang. The phone sat on a small trestle table next to where I stood. Instinctively I picked it up. “Can I speak to Robert please?” “There’s no Robert here”

The Devil and Mr Alabanti's Right Foot

Legend tells us a great deal about what happened to Mr George Alabanti after the devil came to collect his soul

Hiccups (8) - Symptoms 12 to 14

kissing her mentally perhaps, but physically not touching

Hiccups (7) - Symptoms 10 to 11

three small individuals standing on a beach on a windy night on the other side of the galaxy bathing in the light of stars that new nothing of our existence

Hiccups (6) - Symptom 9 - entering a pact with the devil

I couldn’t sleep a wink. Not with the squirrels tap-dancing above me.
