
What it says on the tin.

Gold cherry

The Biscuits in Parliament

A jammy dodger came to power He dazzled us with twinkling eyes And only when the milk turned sour Did we uncover all his lies But how did the dodger get the vote?

Cillit Bang

An illicit bang with Barry On his spotless kitchen floor His powerful Squirt Zero dirt What lady could want more? I've been watching you Barry Scott I know where you live

I Hope You've Got A Daughter Now

Summer 88 Peer Pressure Aztec Camera, Deacon Blue I didn't even fancy you The others did, why didn't I? I was childish and frigid Awkward and shy Sticking safely to the impossibility

Lorry Man

Try to read this like a rap - If you can!

She'll Make Me Work In This

She'll make me work in this, she will, With knuckles blue and crusted lips, She'll make me toil and bend, And hack at roots and thorns and barbed canes, Who strengthen fast to come again

You CAN Polish a Turd

There is a place in Ireland, Where it's said they can polish a turd. With rags and Vim; On spits they spin; With nosepegs on, The ladies smooth; With deftful fingers, And lightening moves,

The Beautiful Game

Chiseled-legged role model Sliding tackle, bluffers hobble Gold chain, groin strain Satin strip, flesh stained VIP, transfer fee Seven figure salary...