cauldron bubble

The weird sisters, hand in hand, posters of the sea and land,

Thus do go about, about, thrice to thine, and thrice to mine,

And thrice again, to make up nine.


Round about the cauldron go; in the poison’d entrails throw.

Double, double, toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble.

For a charm of powerful trouble, like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Macbeth –Shakespeare


She has dove's eyes

+ + &&

mx! mmx!

A King's Gambit

Four Knights four Towers King's Bishop Two Four Knaves two Kings Jacks in the saddle King of breaking hearts King of diamonds Riches and treasures...

don't worry be happy!

(-: smile jesus loves you! :-)

Eye Test

M . R . N . A .. I . A . D .. M . R . N . A .. I . A . D .. M . R . N . A .. I . A . D .. M . R . N . A . miranda .

I Declare

I Love You

love i you

love i you? i you love you love i love you i? you i love i love you! A sparrow's nest


my house my mouse my car my cigar my milk my wine my silk and shine my honey my money my life my wife my gun and my knife my struggle my strife my...

no baby no bye!

no woman no cry once bitten twice shy no guy no no try! baby i die i die i no pie buy no no no yummy in’a tummy mebby money no funny sorrie sorrie...


REWARD * * * For the safe return of Baby Miranda * * * A King's Ransom

she is joy

she is joy she joy is joy is she is joy she joy she is she

to heaven

u o y e v o l i


x x x x x How many?

nursery fun!

tickety tickety tock the mice ran away with the clock around the bush and up the hill they ran around all over the moon the race was run the tomcat...

nursery games!

hubble bubble comes big trouble donald duck daffy and daisy sunny honey, funny money bunny wee willy willy weelie! humpty trumpty pudding and pie had...